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Artificial Intelligence Predictions and Innovations for 2022

By January 31, 2022

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Description: Despite artificial intelligence slowing down in 2021, experts believe that 2022 will bring a new line of achievements in the field; 2022 will be the year that sees over 40% of all businesses adopt some AI into their 'mainstream technology'.

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Ever since 2019, we as a society have had to scale down on our plans and live a more humble and secluded life. Pandemic pushed a harsh stop on many (if not all) industries, scaling down many operations, from Firefly launch to ordering pizza, to a barely manageable level. Especially when it comes to the technological sector, we've seen companies push back announcement events, discontinue research into artificial intelligence and hold the gears on the development of new computer components. Now, in late 2021, we've asked several technology experts what the future will hold for artificial intelligence technology and whether 2022 will be a better year for tech advancement.

According to leading tech gurus, 2022 will bring some interesting achievements for AI artificial intelligence and result in a more stable economy overall. But what is artificial intelligence mean in the year to come, and what changes can we count on?

Artificial intelligence machine learning will be fully implemented within the Automobile industry

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So far, the only company taking the fame light with their artificial intelligence supercars has been Elon Musk's Tesla, but 2022 is about to change that. Experts expect more automakers to see more benefits of implementing sophisticated artificial intelligence into their automobile guidance systems. Tesla is attempting to reinvent the driving experience with their self-driving cars, but that is not all. It might sound like a sci-fi movie, but the future of self-driving automobiles is fast approaching.

Many cars will have their own artificial intelligence guidance system that also serves as a concierge for drivers. Imagine Jarvis from Iron Man but built-in to your car. The idea is to relieve drivers from stress during long commutes and introduce another level of safety during long travel. As more and more cars implement artificial intelligence, we will see a different type of smart assistant.

We believe that 2022 will be the beginning of a long-lasting project of reinventing driving experience, cumulating within the next 10-20 years. The end goal would be developing roads specially designed for artificial intelligence-enriched cars. These roads will serve as a 'roadmap' for travelers and will be constructed to keep both passengers and cars safe from collusion.

Artificial intelligence will be used globally to reduce tedious tasks for data scientists

The job of a data analyst has never been an easy one – a data scientist must sort through hundreds of thousands of lines of irrelevant data to find the one line that is worth anything. Thanks to the 2019 Pandemic, the job of a data scientist became even harder due to the lack of processor chips available for the implementation of functional sorting software and hardware.

2022 should be the year that changes as experts foresee the implementation of artificial intelligence engineer software that will do many of the calculations and sorting required to go through large data streams. Artificial intelligence machine learning has made significant headway throughout 2021 despite obvious delays on a global scale. Constructing artificial intelligence capable of learning means working within a sterile environment without irrelevant data to bug it down. That's why a lot of trained human resources were spent solving complex operational issues instead of artificial intelligence.

Now that the foundation of artificial intelligence machine learning has been completed, we expect many menial tasks such as data assortment, number crunching, and mathematical algorithm solving to become automated, thus freeing up researchers to work on more important tasks.

Tech developers will get their hands on a new wave of AI

Artificial intelligence future projects are just around the corner. Many tech developers have already been using rudimentary artificial intelligence within their software to either help with simulations or improve site visual identity. So far, only large tech companies such as Google and Facebook have had access to the sophisticated tech needed to build futuristic artificial intelligence.  However, experts believe that we will see a change in that dynamic as soon as 2022. If you want to improve your website visual identity with web design services, you will still need people working on your idea, but many operations will be simplified with AI.

Artificial intelligence examples such as communicating applications, converting speech to text and vice versa, automated video and image analysis, automatically eliminating inappropriate or illegal content will be pre-built within artificial intelligence developer kits that will be made publicly available. Tech developers should build upon these kits and create self-sustaining artificial intelligence that will serve a different purpose.

As an added bonus, we will see artificial intelligence in business appear more prevalently. As tech developers become more creative with their artificial intelligence, technology will bleed towards smaller businesses such as clothing stores, online retailers, etc.

2022 will show the emergence of modern AI Virtual Reality

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For the past several years, virtual reality has been a coveted concept, with many gaming companies patenting their own hardware kits, such as the Oculus Quest 2, Sony PlayStation VR, and Valve Index VR Kit. However, most companies could not create sophisticated virtual reality worlds on advanced artificial intelligence until now. Experts believe that 2022 is about to change that. We won't submerge ourselves into the Matrix quite yet, but we are getting there.

Advanced artificial intelligence will allow computer scientists to construct accurate and detail-rich digital assets based on the real world. Like the Internet, individual users will work together with developers and enterprises to enrich foundational open standards. Standards similar to Universal Scene Description (USD) and glTF will evolve enough to establish Web3, or Web 3.0.

If the 2019 Pandemic did anything good, it allowed us to see that most tasks can be completed online rather than in the real world. We've seen Universities and industry giants provide virtual reality tours and interviews. These tours were based on artificial intelligence behind VR headsets. In 2022, we will see more advanced graphics and realistic environments captured from real life.

Next year, we expect more and more businesses to adopt artificial intelligence within their framework. This accelerated invention and adoption have reinvented how we see technology. We expect this trend to continue in 2022 and lead to a pseudo 'Golden Age of Artificial Intelligence.


Author’s Bio: 

Emily Moore is an English & programming teacher with a passion for space and blogging. She believes that current exploration should be focused on preserving our planet’s resources. With satellites circling the orbit, it is easier to get relevant data on any environmental changes. This, in turn, should help people quickly address any challenges.

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